Thursday, December 24, 2009

What's your best cleaning recipe for bathtub stains and mold?

I know how to prevent mold and grime, I just keep it clean. Do you have a home remedy that works wonders for stains and mold once it's there?What's your best cleaning recipe for bathtub stains and mold?
For the tub...sometimes Clorox works. Apply and allow it to sit for a while. Then scrub or rinse it away.

If that doesn't work...Zud. Zud is absolutely the best scouring powder there is. Unfortunately, the only place I've been able to find it is on Grocery stores don't seem to carry it anymore.

If even Zud doesn't do might have the tub re-glazed.

As for caulking and can also try Clorox. If that doesn't work, pull up the old caulk and re-caulk. It really isn't hard to do. I used an ordinary kitchen table knife last time I removed caulk. Then simply re-caulk, smoothing the caulk out with your finger. You'll need a lot of paper towels to clean your finger and to remove caulk that ends up where it doesn't belong.

And if the Clorox doesn't clean the grout? Make sure the grout is as clean as you can get it and then just paint over it using Exterior Paint. (Exterior paint can take moisture better than Interior Paint can.) You can have the paint tinted or just use white.What's your best cleaning recipe for bathtub stains and mold?
Go to your local chemist and get some oil of cloves. Its a small little bottle, mine cost about $6 but you only use 2 drops to a liter of water. What you do is mix two drops of oil of cloves into 1L of water or 1 drop into 500mL spray bottle. Spray this onto the ceiling. Make sure when you do it you keep your arm out at like a 45 angle to stop the mix from raining down on you. In another spray bottle put white vinegar and using a cloth, I use a face-washer, it seems to work best for me. Simply wipe all the mold away. On more stubborn mold you can use a little bicarb soda to help move it.

I have also found not using vinegar and just a damp cloth to remove light mold works well also.

If you use bleach it will clear away the mold and makes it look clean but apparently the mold sends 'roots' into the paint work which will regrow more mold if you don't kill it off, which is why you use Oil of Cloves as it is a Mold inhibitor.Eventually with steam it will build up again but it won't be back the next week like if you bleach or diluted bleach.

To help keep the mold away open the bathroom window after a shower or bath or install a ceiling fan.

As for the stains. It would depend on what caused the stains. Everyday stains, like soap build up, grime etc. White Vinegar in a spray bottle and bicarb soda, works really well. Spray on the vinegar and then using a cloth rub on the bicarb soda. It will fizz up a little bit and the bicarb soda acts as a very fine abbrassive to remove the gunk without scratching.
Chlorine bleach.

Buy a spray bottle, clearly label it so you do not accidentally mix other chemicals in it during future uses. The worse the stains and mold, the stronger you make the mix of bleach and water. Half water, half bleach for mild to moderate mold, and go stronger as needed.

Wear protective eye wear, and wear old clothes. Also make sure you have good ventilation.
i think if its like in a bathtub just spray it with bleach water. i agree with the other poster though, if its on the caulk, it is better o just pull up the caulk and replace it than try to clean it.
Go to Dollar General and get KaBoom Works get on soap scum dirt grime also there is a product there called The Works another great product Good Luck
baking soda and detergent mixed, then wipe down with white vinegar and water 50%.

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